Spring Equinox is an auspicious time to gather in sisterhood hearing and sharing our seeds of intention, releasing the compost of yesterday, connecting with our ancestors and rooting into a rebirthing ritual. Join Shanti and Jen as we align with this sacred seasonal celebration of equal light and dark, dancing our dreams awake in sisterhood.
Saturday | March 20, 2021 | 4pm-6pm MT via private ZOOM
Sliding Scale Investment: $8-$12 . No experience is necessary. All sisters are warmly welcomed.
UPDATE: Registration is now CLOSED. Pre-registration required. Registration closes @ 12pm MT on 3.20.21.
- Receive a personal Equinox Divinity Oracle reading
- Return to your roots with an Ancestor Tea Ceremony + blessing ritual
- Remember your innate wisdom and soul purpose
- Restore a sense of peace and hope with sacred songs from the ancients
- Reclaim your dreams by creating a Dreamtime Medicine Pouch
- Recognize your true nature through Divine Feminine Qigong
- Rebirth in a safe, secure and sacred circle of sisterhood

March also crosses the threshold into the 1-year anniversary of entering into the global CV19 pandemic restrictions. Let’s join together to honor these times, being seen and heard in community, while planting seeds for the return of in-person ceremonies (so SOON!) and putting a pause on ZOOM.

To find out more about Jen Friedman, please visit her website: Jennifer Friedman
To find our more about Shanti Medina, please visit her website: EnergizeShanti