Virtual Sisterhood Circle

CALLING ALL SISTERS. Let’s thrive together rather than surviving alone. Our circles are needed more and more during these unsettling times.
I am SO looking forward to joining together for another virtual sisterhood circle in celebration of the Pink Full Moon.
Date: TUESDAY | April 7th | 5-7pm MST | Full Moon Sacred Sisterhood Salt Ceremony – via ZOOM – from your home sanctuary.
All sisters are warmly welcome to join the circle. There is no experience necessary. Come as you are.
Investment: Your time and intention. This is offered at no cost as a gift to us all in celebration of the healing and unifying power of sisterhood.
Just as the ancient circles of sisters gathered in ceremony to celebrate the cycles of the season and phases of the moon to attune to a rhythm and tether to what is true, let’s gather together in a virtual circle 2020 style – on ZOOM- sharing our prayers and releasing our fears into a sacred salt ritual.
We begin with a powerful embodied chant to Grandmother Moon entraining our breath and intentions as a sisterhood circle followed by drawing our Divinity Oracle card to connect to our higher wisdom and call in our guides and allies.
Each sister takes her turn ceremonially sharing her intentions, fears and prayers while receiving her blessings and adding sacred items into her salt. As we hear and hold one another’s blessings, we weave a healing web of sisterhood casting our spells into the lineage of the sacred salt under the light of the Full Moon.
Please try to log onto ZOOM by 4:50pm on Tuesday 4.7.20, so you can settle into your sacred space for us to being promptly at 5:00pm. If you cannot join in when we begin, please feel free to join in and leave the circle when you are able. Please volunteer to share your salt ritual and blessing early on if you need to hop off early . Thank you.
I’m so looking forward to celebrating the Pink Full Moon in sisterhood with each of you,
Registration: Please complete this short form to receive the ZOOM link and group email: Full Moon Sisterhood Celebration + Salt Ceremony

With Love + Sisterhood,