Neuroscience and the Breath
The breath is an often underestimated mysterious portal into our super power of mindful medicine and magnificent manifestation. As evolved mammals, we are wired through our vagus nerve to be able to choose to use our breath consciously as a nervous system regulator but we often forget or even ignore this ability to engage with our breath because the body literally breathes and pumps blood without our input.
Did you know neuroscience has proven that when we remember to slow down our breathing, our mindstream of thoughts slows down concurrently as we regulate our nervous system? And the reverse is true when we slow our thoughts with mindfulness, our breathing naturally slows down.
Simply by slowing our breathing in times of stress or discomfort and when we feel disconnected from ourselves, our thoughts begin to slow down. Through the 10th cranial vagus nerve highway of communication with simple directed awareness and intention, we can resource our breath as a super power portal into the present moment restoring homeostasis, regulating our nervous system, building resilience and consciously sending an “All is Well” signal, or current of communication, through our body and brain.
2023 Stanford University Stress Study
A recent Stanford University stress study published January 16, 2023 shows the super power of the breath in regulating the parasympathetic response of the vagus nerve and creating equilibrium in our neurobiology.
Enjoy a video practice by clicking on the button below.
Cyclical “sipping and sighing breathing” in a 3 count inhale/4 count exhale or sigh, followed by optional breath retention, has been found to be more effective in reducing stress than mindfulness meditation. Read the full study at the link below.
Combining this proven mindful breathing practice with the ancient movement of qigong deepens the experience and restores a true sense of calm while releasing pain, grief and fear.
Before you begin, you can also plant a personal seed of intention, make an offering, ask for guidance or cast a healing vision for yourself or someone else.
“A vivid imagination frees you from the bounds of deductive reasoning. The truly creative and innovative are not stymied by an unclear path or lack of knowledge, they imagine the goal, what they want to achieve, and then build the path to it.” – Albert Einstein
Sweeping + Sipping Practice
This Sweeping Qigong was taught to me by my beloved teacher Daisy Lee to support physical digestion and metabolism of life through the Heart/Lung/Large intestine axis and acupressure channels.
Please don’t underestimate the power and instant benefits of coupling these two ancient practices – Sweeping Qigong + Sipping Cyclical Breathing. This is an especially powerful practice for Springtime rebirthing but can be enjoyed any time of year.
Repeat this breathing qigong practice three or more times per week for 1-3 minutes each practice.
You can view the short video practice by clicking on button below.

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View the January 2023 Stanford University study showing cyclic breathing technique more effective in reducing stress than mindfulness meditation HERE.

Shanti has spent a lifetime connecting with her helping and healing spirit guides while supporting others in communicating with their compassionate guides. Her Spirit Medium readings offer insights, answers and deep connection to spirit guides and power animals. She enjoys sharing her intuitive Spirit Medium readings and connecting others to their Spirit Guides and loved ones who have passed on while receiving answers to questions and insights to life transitions.
Shanti has been gathering women together in sacred circles of celebration and leading transformational retreats for over 20 years. Her Stirring the Shakti sisterhood retreats and events inspire women to transform the mundane into magic, celebrate the simply sacred, empower true nature, and fuel the fire of purpose and passion.
She founded her Body Current® modality as a bridge between ancient wisdom and modern neuroscience. She weaves her certifications in Yoga Therapy, Plant Medicine Clinical Herbalism and advanced trainings in Medical Zang Fu Gong Qigong, Wuji HundunQigong, Radiant Lotus Women’s Qigong, Brain Training and Shamanic Healing with her Body Current vagus nerve stimulation protocols and self-realization practices to ignite the primordial wisdom for healing and transformation. She has facilitated her Body Current curriculum in a variety of 500HR Yoga Teacher Trainings and as faculty at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health as well as the Neurosculpting Institute’s and StarHouse Sacred Arts certification program. To connect with Shanti and to find out about her global events, international retreats and private sessions visit www.EnergizeShanti.com